QUISP Objectives


Overall Objective: The Quality Infrastructure and Standards Programme (QUISP) is a five year Government of Uganda Programme. The overall programme objective is to: promote the use of quality infrastructure and standards so as to improve the competitiveness of Uganda’s products, processes and service delivery systems in domestic, regional and international markets.

Specific objectives: The attainment of the programme’s overall objective will be guided by aiming at achieving specific programme objectives. These will form the basis for the implementation of the programme activities and delivery of the expected outputs, upon which the programme performance should be evaluated. Specifically, the programme will focus on achieving the following specific objectives;

  1. To develop a policy for Standardisation and review strategies for policy implementation
  2. To develop a comprehensive and effective legal framework for the implementation and enforcement of standards and quality control measures.
  3. To establish an effective coordination mechanism with clearly defined mandates and responsibilities for the different actors in the Standards and Quality area
  4. To rationalize the institutional set up of service providers for standards development, conformity assessment and measurement services
  5. To enhance public awareness on standards and quality products and best practises.