Ministers at MTIC Start New Term of Office

The Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Hon. Amelia Kyambadde officially launched her new term of office as Senior Minister and that of Hon. Minister’s of State for the period 2016 to 2021.
This was during a handover ceremony for Ministers that took place in the Ministry Boardroom on Friday July 8th, 2016. During the ceremony, Hon. Kyambadde also briefed the top management of the Ministry that included heads of departments and Executive Directors of agencies affiliated to the Ministry, the achievements and challenges of the period 2011 to 2016.
In her remarks, Hon. Kyambadde outlined some of the key achievements in the past 5 years including progress made in the creation of an enabling policy and legal framework, standards and quality infrastructure, trade facilitation initiatives e.g. E-Single Window, response strategy on the elimination of NTBs, RIIP, improvements in communication and publicity, and DICOSS.
The Minister highlighted some of the challenges that her ministry is still grappling with including the leaking roof on the 4th and 6th floor of Farmers House where the Ministry is housed, the arrears to a number of service providers who are still demanding payments for the supplies and services provided to the Ministry, limited office space for the new incoming Directorate of MSMEs and low cash ceiling of the Ministry.
She said the inadequate funding constrained coordination of sector programs specifically the Sector Working Groups, Monitoring and Evaluation activities and others.
In the new term, Hon. Kyambadde said emphasis would be put on mobilizing funds for the construction of the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Headquarters (Home) which would go a long way in addressing the challenge of limited office space.
Other key areas that would be focused on in the period 2016 to 2021 include;
1. Expeditious completion of bills, policies and strategies under development (page 19-20) e.g. Uganda Export Strategy enforcement.
2. Performance of Agencies –There is need for close working relations with the Councils and Boards, ensuring; ensuring regular Quarterly Top Management Meetings and Reports.
3. Close monitoring and supervision of the following industrial subsectors: sugar, tobacco, tea, textiles and leather; and establishment of sector associations – including holding quarterly meetings with them.
4. Launch and operationalization of the MSME Directorate
5. Effective operationalization of Uganda National Commodity Exchange (UNCE)
6. Active and constructive engagement with RECs – EAC,AU,’ COMESA and the Tripartite FTA
7. Revival and development of cooperatives, especially capacity building and close monitoring and supervision of Unions to ensure democratic, accountable and transparent governance
8. Promotion of value addition, including expanding the OVOP program to cover the all Country
9. Feasibility studies for strategic bankable industrial projects either for PPP or for international and domestic investors. UDC is expected to take the lead in this matter
- Support to local investors including Jua Kali
- Implementation of Border Markets program
- Regional programs to increase the capacity of DCOs, MSMEs and cooperatives; and
- Enhancing horizontal linkages with key MDAs e.g. MAAIF, MoFPED, UIA, and URA; and regular consultations with apex private sector organizations e.g. PSFU, UMA, USSIA. UWEAL, UCA and UCSU
She concluded by encouraging synergies with the other key sectors e.g. Agriculture, Finance, Ministry of energy and Mineral Development.
Hon. Michael Werikhe’s Remarks
Hon. Werikhe who is the Minister of State for Trade said he will be open and was ready to work as a family to make a mark on Uganda’s economy. He said he wanted to contribute to NRM’s target of leading Uganda to a middle income country by 2020.
Hon. Frederick Gume’s Remarks
As a new Minister of State for Cooperatives, Hon. Gume said a long journey stands before the MTIC team to revive cooperatives and to ensure that they prosper in the current status. He encouraged transparency and accountability as a key in the revival of cooperatives.
He demonstrated his readiness to work with the MTIC team.