Minister MTIC Launches ZOCTU Digital Platform

On 21st May 2020,The Minister of Trade, Industry and Cooperatives Hon. Amelia Kyambadde launched the ZOCTU digital platform . ZOCTU platforms joins the other e commerce platforms on the market like JUMIA,Dondolo,Kilimall,Alibaba etc.
In her remarks,she re echoed the importance of BUBU which applies to both goods and services. She said applications like ZOCTU are the way to go as E commerce is the new normal.She said the need for innovations is still immense and more partners and initiatives like ZOCTU which help mitigate the significant disruption in the trade Supply chains seen in the past few months are welcome.
She added that the health benefits derived from contact less deliveries are in support of Government’s desire to curb the spread of COVID 19.
She re echoed governments commitment to E commerce and promised to fast track the E commerce strategy which was already underway.
She added that the National Backbone Infrastructure is expanding into rural areas to provide affordable and reliable broadband Internet to all segments of the population
She said training dedicated to digital business entrepreneurship will continue at MTAC and other institutions
She revealed that the ministry is developing an internationally recognized product bar code program to enhance Ugandas market development strategies and particularly for e commerce to ensure traceability of the products,inventory/ stock management,enhance efficiencies along the supply chain and also increase acceptability in international and Regional Markets
The ministry also through the standards body (UNBS) will continue to enforce standards for goods and services including those traded online.
Government has already put up a legal frame work for e commerce by developing the
• Sale of Goods and Supply of Services Act.
• Computer Misuse Act 2011 (Act No. 2 of 2011)
• Data Protection and Privacy Act 2019
• Electronic Signatures Act 2011 (Act No. 7 of 2011)
• Electronic Signatures Regulations 2013 – SI 43 of 2013
• Electronic Transactions Act 2011 (Act No. 8 of 2011)
• Electronic Transactions Regulations 2013 – SI 42 of 2013