Cooperatives Development FAQs
The following criteria are used:
- People with a common need.
- Bye-laws (from MTTI) to guide the operation.
- Proper record keeping to enable periodical reporting to members.
- Member patronage in a cooperative business is done by the members so individual members must be prepared to do business with the cooperatives.
By forming savings and credit cooperative societies.
Farmers should form area cooperative marketing enterprises which will help farmers to market their produce and add value to what they are producing.
Cooperative Unions have been neglected by the owners. However, the Ministry advice now is to ask the owners to revive the unions. Furthermore, the leaders of the unions were asked to produce the business plans by end of May, 2005.
- Support is in terms of policy formulation and oversight.
- Government is reviewing cooperative policy to incorporate new areas of cooperative activities and also to harmonize cooperative development policy in one document.
- Government is responsible for enforcement of cooperative rules. Thus, Government regulates and monitors cooperative activities.
- Government links cooperative to development partners like EU, SCC. For example, SCC helps cooperative movement to develop village banks. Similarly, EU helps Government in establishment of commodity exchange (Uganda Agricultural Commodity Exchange).
The following criteria are observed: The Ministry ensures that there is accountability, application of good business practices, as well as good governance of especially leadership and management; and capacity building of the cooperative members.
The Commissioner for Cooperative Department is mandated by the law to be the registrar of all cooperatives in Uganda. Therefore, the linkage is through the local governing council and through the departments responsible for cooperatives. The law gives the registrar powers of arbitration.
They are five broad types namely:
* Production cooperatives.
* Agricultural marketing.
* Financial services.
* Industrial.
* Services cooperative.
Industry and Technology FAQ's
With the establishment of Uganda Investment Authority (UIA), the authority to license industries was given to UIA for firms whose investment is greater than or equal to US dollars 50,000. Otherwise, district authorities have been authorized to license firms whose investment is below US dollars 50,000.
It is UIA which is mandated to give incentives.
Yes. The president, in his address to Jua Kali exhibitors in 2002, promised that Uganda will provide those exhibition grounds. Some crucial services like water, shelter, electricity will be provided in those exhibition grounds.
The Ministry is waiting for approval of the fund by the cabinet. Thereafter, the criteria to be used to select the would be beneficiaries will be set up and also approved.